A Guide to Atomisers vs. Clearomisers vs. Cartomisers - V8PR.uk

A Guide to Atomisers vs. Clearomisers vs. Cartomisers

For anyone looking to quit smoking or explore new options, it’s not a secret that vaping is the best alternative. The community around vaping has grown beyond alternative smokers. There are people today that genuinely enjoy vaping, the experience, the flavours, and the community outside of smoking cigarettes. 

The starter usually consists of disposable pods, but the more advanced devices are highly customisable. If you’re at this stage of your vaping journey, you’re probably eager to build your device to best suit your needs and preferences. There are quite a few moving parts in vapes, depending on what you want. But one thing you need is a device that you can connect to the battery or power source to supply e-juice in vapour form.

There are three options you can choose from, atomisers, clearomisers, and cartomisers.


You’ve probably atomisers mentioned in the vaping community. It’s one of the most popular choices for vapers. The device itself has a heat-resistant wick that wraps around two heating coils. Whenever you add juice, it saturates the wick. Meanwhile, the coils will heat up and turn the liquid into vapour. Then you’re good to draw. 

One drawback, especially for beginners, is that atomisers require more frequent filling and maintenance. However, most people will tell you that the taste and vapour clouds it delivers are worth it. This option might look appealing as you become more experienced and start looking for the best experience. 

Atomisers give you the most controlled and personalised experience, which is what makes them so popular. 


  • High level of customisation
  • Overall superior taste
  • Great for heavy users
  • Less e-juice consumed
  • Clean and strong flavour
  • Extremely safe


  • Frequent refilling
  • Complicated for beginners
  • More chances for a mess


For beginners, clearomisers are an excellent choice. First of all, it doesn’t require much work while still providing great taste and experience. Devices that have clearomisers have replaceable atomisers at the base of that tank. All you have to do is unscrew and replace it when the time comes. 

Clearomisers are also commonly called tanks. It’s an excellent place to start whether you’re planning to vape long-term or short term. Tanks also offer you the choice to begin customising once you get the hang of vaping. When you understand the experience, you can start improving it to suit your needs perfectly.


  • Large juice capacity
  • Fewer refills
  • Good for heavy use
  • High level of customisation 
  • Can use disposable or rebuildable coils


  • Coil choices can be confusing to beginners
  • Plastic tanks can taint juice flavour
  • Glass tanks may crack or leak
  • Previous e-juice flavours may linger
  • Can be expensive


This device isn’t necessarily for beginners or long-time vapers. It’s more for people that need a one-time use device. While it’s possible to refill these devices, it’s rarely worth the time and effort. Cartomisers are often attached to disposable e-cigarettes with a limited life span. 

People usually throw the entire device away after use. Advanced vapers think cartomisers are obsolete. However, it still provides a good entry point for curious, one-time, and occasional users. It’s an excellent way to decide whether you want to go forward with vaping or not without wasting too much time and money. 


  • Similar hand and mouthfeel to cigarettes
  • Inexpensive
  • It can be found easily
  • Disposable
  • Prefilled


  • Polyfill wick dulls the taste
  • Not easy to refill or reuse
  • Limited flavour range
  • Not ideal for heavy use
  • May hold previous e-juice flavour


Nowadays, whether you’re out and about or hanging out with friends, you’re bound to spot one or two people vaping. Atomisers are best to use for experienced and long-term vapers. Clearomisers are the perfect choice for beginners. And finally, cartomisers are good for one time uses. Whichever you choose, any of these three should serve your needs well.

If you’re looking for a reliable vape shop in the UK, you’ve found the right one. V8PR is a premium vaping supplier. We sell over a thousand branded products. You can find just about anything and everything you need to ensure a great vaping experience. Whatever you’re looking for, you can find it here. Browse through our wide selection of products today!