Stoptober 2021: Your Opportunity to Quit? -

Stoptober 2021: Your Opportunity to Quit?

Smoking is the true representation of cognitive dissonance. For the most part, smokers know that their habit is bad for them but then justify their continued use. This, of course, turns into a long, dragging cycle of awareness, initiative, decline, and relapse—which is probably something that you’ve experienced or are currently experiencing.

Admittedly, ditching a lousy smoking habit is easier said than done because:

  1. Nicotine is addictive;
  2. Life is stressful (and cigarettes help you deal), and;
  3. Cigarettes are everywhere, and you can’t easily keep them out of your life if you see them all the time. 

In your efforts to finally kick the bucket on your cigarette habit for good, you’ve most likely come across something called Stoptober, a national effort dedicated to helping smokers quit entirely. If you are unfamiliar with the event, there’s much to learn and look forward to once you commit to it!

What Is Stoptober?

Often referred to as the perfect opportunity to quit smoking, Stoptober is an event held by Public Health England in collaboration with the National Health Service.

Carried throughout the month of October of every year, the campaign aims to encourage smokers of all ages to abstain from smoking for a month as a challenge. Over the years, this effort has been well received, and an increasing number of British smokers are participating every year—a good sign that Stoptober does work!

Stoptober campaigns run on strong arguments such as saving money, living comfortably, and being active to compel smokers to try abstaining for 28 days. Although the challenge period may not seem that long, it can effectively get the right results. In fact, evidence shows that those that quit for a month are five times more likely to stay on course.

Why Should You Participate In Stoptober and Quit?

No matter what you might think, it’s never too late to quit a smoking habit, especially when you consider the many benefits that come almost immediately after stubbing your last cigarette. 

To illustrate the difference that quitting can make, let’s look at the timeline of what happens to your body within the first few weeks: 

  • 20 Minutes After You Quit: During this period, your pulse will return to normal after having your last cigarette, thanks to your body finally being rid of the nasty chemicals in each stick.

  • Eight Hours After You Quit: Once your time off cigarettes reaches this mark, your body’s oxygen levels begin to recover, and the carbon monoxide content in your blood has halved. In the same period, your lungs will begin to clear mucous out, helping your sense of taste and smell improve.

  • 72 Hours After You Quit: This period will have you experiencing immense improvements in your body as it will become easier to breathe and feel more energetic.

  • Two to 12 Weeks After You Quit: Once you’ve passed the two-week mark, your blood circulation will begin to improve and make your blood pump much better, well enough to have you feeling even more active again! 

I Can’t Go Cold Turkey. What Can I Do?

We understand. Quitting cigarettes just like that is a monumental task that takes a lot of patience and dedication. But there’s no need to go cold turkey when you quit because that’s what vaping is for!

Currently, the NHS advises quitting smokers to use vaping as a means to get by. Research has shown that e-cigarettes can help you give up smoking, which is why they endorse e-cigarettes as an effective alternative. 

Fortunately, getting your hands on a vaping set-up that will help you quit is as simple as heading to V8PR’s store and placing your order!


Smoking is one of the most detrimental habits that anyone can pick up because of how harmful and addictive it is. Fortunately, Stoptober offers a perfect opportunity to get started. Once you participate in the campaign in question and start vaping to help you get by, you can take the necessary steps towards improving your life in no time.

V8PR is an online vape shop in the UK that has every vaper covered for whatever you need or can think of buying. Whether you're looking for vape batteries and mods, vaping kits, or tanks, we are here for you. Visit our online store and stock up today!