Tips on How to Quarantine-Proof Your Vaping - Our Guide -

Tips on How to Quarantine-Proof Your Vaping - Our Guide

Being forced to quarantine and isolate for extended periods of time will certainly get anybody bored. It does not matter if you’re the life of the party or a little more reserved; everyone needs to interact with others, and being in a lockdown robs everyone of that.

There are ways to get your daily fill of human interaction; you can substitute in-person catching up sessions with online ones, or host a virtual watch party featuring the latest TV show you’re following. Something you cannot substitute, though, is vaping.

Often, people who take up vaping are doing so because they are trying to get rid of cigarette smoking﹘running out of vaping gear might push a vaper back to old habits. To avoid this situation, here are a few ways you could prepare yourself for holing up.

Be patient when ordering online

Most physical vape shops are closed at the moment, and it is uncertain when commercial activity will get back to pre-COVID-19 levels. Because of this, you might not get your favourite flavours from your shop of choice; at least, not in the foreseeable future.

Scour online vape shops and look up sellers who can provide you with supplies through the quarantine. Plan for staying indoors for a long time; you might want to buy vape e-juice in bulk, to limit the number of trips that must be made to deliver your products. Be open to trying new brands and flavours as well; your constants might not be as readily available as usual.

Take note that your orders might also take some time before they’re fulfilled. Supply chains are not as reliable as they should be, so waiting for a few days to a week is normal.

Take extra care of your devices

Now, more than ever, you should be more conscientious about cleaning and maintaining your hardware. Clean your vape pen regularly and empty the tank from e-liquid when not in use. Charge your device properly; overcharging or general neglect might lead to damaged coils.

Since you will be at home more often, you will probably be vaping more frequently. Keep your vaping kit out of reach of children and pets. If you haven’t, find a designated place for your kit. You don’t want your device to get ruined in the middle of a lockdown.

Clear out your vape kit

Discard supplies and hardware that you are no longer using. Discoloured or stale e-juice should be disposed of. If you accidentally left e-liquid open for a long time, it may already be stale. Vape liquid left in the sun or exposed to heat is also likely to oxidize, which leads to a strong, bitter-tasting liquid.

Explore other options

If you’re a VG vaper, you could branch out and try sub-ohm liquids. This will need a bit more knowledge of mechanical vape mods or regulated devices, but the billowing, stacked clouds you will get from sub-ohm are worth the trouble. Try to make mods on your kit. Read up on rebuildable, make your own coils, or seriously get into the technical side of your hobby.

If hardware modding is not your thing, you can take this time to teach yourself vape tricks. If you have ever wanted to learn how to make smoke rings, now is the chance. You might even come out of the lockdown with a skill you can take to vape tournaments!


Physical distancing might be a bummer, but you don’t have to be. Keeping yourself busy with your hobbies will help you stay inside and cope with what is happening today. You might even learn a thing or two.

If you’re looking for an online vape shop in the UK, visit us at V8PR today. We offer an array of quality vape products and accessories!