An eCigarette is a popular alternative to smoking that has long been the talk of the town. So much so that it has garnered different insights that have made its way across the media.
With an array of vape shops available all over the globe, there are a lot of opportunities for people to stay informed regarding the risks of vaping and what makes it so addicting.
If you’ve been into vaping and have kept it down low for a while now and you’re considering letting your family and friends know about it, below are some few reminders to think over before pushing through with your decision.
On Smoking Cigarettes
If people know you used to smoke cigarettes, there are bigger chances that they will accept the fact that you’ve switched to vaping.
Some of your friends and family might even be more convinced and may even acknowledge you for moving to an electronic cigarette. It’s an alternative option you’ve chosen which is a less harmful solution to smoking.
Friends and Family with Smoking Experiences
If you know people close to you who smoke or used to smoke, it might be better to confront them first and eventually ask for advice. It will also loosen the pressure on you and allow you to feel more comfortable telling them because they’ve been in a similar situation as you.
For those who have gone through a cigarette addiction in the past, they can see the bigger picture and accept your situation right away because you took a different path and chose to use eCigarettes instead.
Effects on Younger Family Members
One of the biggest concerns people have with vaping is their inability to tolerate being around someone with a constant eCigarette habit.
The next time you think about vaping around the people you love, respect their space and boundaries and smoke only if you’re sure they won’t be affected, you have their permission, and only when minors aren’t around.
Situations to Prepare For
Dealing with Lack of Awareness and Education
A lot of people lack proper information when it comes to vaping, so they will base what they believe either in the media or the people they see vaping carelessly in public.
The moment you talk to your friends and family, expect that they might have the same views regarding vaping. And it shouldn’t be something to condemn them for. Instead, answer them with a calm demeanour, giving them facts and relevant information that will hopefully get rid of their negative thoughts on vaping.
Dealing with Judgement and Disdain
Because of all the stereotyping built around people who use eCigarette, you shouldn’t be overwhelmed about the harsh feedback that people have to say about vaping.
If you are met with judgement from your friends and family because they’re having a hard time processing your situation, don’t take it personally. And don’t disrespect them in return. You are a civil adult that’s old enough to make your own decisions.
Maintain a calm composure while having your conversation with them because you don’t want to lose them just because of eCigarettes. To avoid arguments from escalating, keep a polite tone, and make sure to respect each other’s opinions.
In the end, whether you decide to share your experience with vaping to others or just keep it to yourself to avoid hurting them is entirely up to you. eCigarettes may still be unacceptable to some, which is why having a support system you can rely on is necessary to give you peace of mind.
For those looking for vaping supplies and accessories, V8PR is an online vape shop in the UK that offers high-quality products. Check out our website now and browse through our catalogue!