2 Misconceptions of Vaping That Are Potentially Harmful - V8PR.uk

2 Misconceptions of Vaping That Are Potentially Harmful

While the vaping industry may be thriving today with more hobbyists, products, and communities than ever before, there’s just one problem that grows even more prominent: The increased amount of vaping misinformation.

Is Using E-Cigarettes the Solution to Quit Smoking? - V8PR.uk

Is Using E-Cigarettes the Solution to Quit Smoking?

Vaping is quickly becoming an acceptable alternative to smoking based on smokers and medical professionals. This is why the e-cigarette market is reaching a huge spike of attracting previous smokers and first-time vapers. Nevertheless, many people still doubt the viability of using it as an alternative habit to invest in.

How Vaping Is Cheaper Than Smoking Cigarettes: What to Know - V8PR.uk

How Vaping Is Cheaper Than Smoking Cigarettes: What to Know

If you’re in the UK, then you’re in a very bad place to be a smoker because cigarettes are really expensive here, and the cost of cigarettes continually increases. This is why the UK is also one of the leading countries in the world that has a high number of vapers compared to smokers. 

The Truth Behind Secondhand Vapour: Is It Dangerous? - V8PR.uk

The Truth Behind Secondhand Vapour: Is It Dangerous?

One of the most curious hobbies and habits to take the world by storm is vaping. More and more are trying it every day, with many of these incorporating vaping into their daily habits (to the joy of vape shops, both online and offline). The wonder of this is that many of these vapers are using it to quit smoking, which is unhealthier by leaps and bounds.

Whether you vape or not, you have likely encountered e-cigarette vapour. Unfortunately, not many people know what it actually is. The stigma of secondhand smoke has painted a negative light of it, and understandably so.